Revision 2
Cell Signaling Technology

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Support: 877-678-TECH (8324)


3 Trask LaneDanversMassachusetts01923USA
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.




Product Information

Product Usage Information

Use as directed in the respective SimpleChIP® Chromatin IP kit and the CUT&RUN Assay kit protocols. Please note that if the following the SimpleChIP® Chromotin protocol there will be excess DNA Binding Buffer (#10007) to accommodate the CUT&RUN protocol.


Store at room temperature. Components are stable for 12 months upon receipt when stored properly.

Product Description

This product is offered to enable DNA purification using spin columns with our CUT&RUN Assay Kit (#86652).

This product also is offered to conveniently provide additional ChIP buffer reagents for preparing, immunoprecipitating, washing, and eluting chromatin using our SimpleChIP® (#9002, #9003) and SimpleChIP® Plus (#9004, #9005) Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kits, as well as our SimpleChIP® Sonication Chromatin IP kit (#56383). These SimpleChIP® kits provide all the reagents required for performing the recommended of chromatin preparations (or optimizations) and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays, however there are instances where extra ChIP Buffer, ChIP Elution buffer, and NaCl are desired.

The DNA purification columns combine the convenience of spin-column technology with the selective binding properties of a uniquely designed silica membrane that allows for efficient recovery of DNA and removal of protein contaminants without the need for phenol/chloroform extractions and ethanol precipitations. After DNA purification, the enrichment of particular DNA sequences can be analyzed by a variety of methods.

Species Reactivity

Species reactivity is determined by testing in at least one approved application (e.g., western blot).

Cross-Reactivity Key

H: human M: mouse R: rat Hm: hamster Mk: monkey Vir: virus Mi: mink C: chicken Dm: D. melanogaster X: Xenopus Z: zebrafish B: bovine Dg: dog Pg: pig Sc: S. cerevisiae Ce: C. elegans Hr: horse GP: Guinea Pig Rab: rabbit All: all species expected

Trademarks and Patents

Cell Signaling Technology is a trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.
SimpleChIP is a registered trademark of Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit for more information.

Limited Uses

Except as otherwise expressly agreed in a writing signed by a legally authorized representative of CST, the following terms apply to Products provided by CST, its affiliates or its distributors. Any Customer's terms and conditions that are in addition to, or different from, those contained herein, unless separately accepted in writing by a legally authorized representative of CST, are rejected and are of no force or effect.

Products are labeled with For Research Use Only or a similar labeling statement and have not been approved, cleared, or licensed by the FDA or other regulatory foreign or domestic entity, for any purpose. Customer shall not use any Product for any diagnostic or therapeutic purpose, or otherwise in any manner that conflicts with its labeling statement. Products sold or licensed by CST are provided for Customer as the end-user and solely for research and development uses. Any use of Product for diagnostic, prophylactic or therapeutic purposes, or any purchase of Product for resale (alone or as a component) or other commercial purpose, requires a separate license from CST. Customer shall (a) not sell, license, loan, donate or otherwise transfer or make available any Product to any third party, whether alone or in combination with other materials, or use the Products to manufacture any commercial products, (b) not copy, modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the underlying structure or technology of the Products, or use the Products for the purpose of developing any products or services that would compete with CST products or services, (c) not alter or remove from the Products any trademarks, trade names, logos, patent or copyright notices or markings, (d) use the Products solely in accordance with CST Product Terms of Sale and any applicable documentation, and (e) comply with any license, terms of service or similar agreement with respect to any third party products or services used by Customer in connection with the Products.

Revision 2

DNA Purification Buffers and Spin Columns (ChIP, CUT&RUN)