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Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Frozen) (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Frozen): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Frozen) – Specific for Product: 4060 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Frozen) – Specific for Product: 4060: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific For Product: 3287 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific For Product: 3625 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific For Product: 3633 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific for Product: 9319 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific for Product: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific For Products: 2085, 3197 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol (Paraffin) - Specific For Products: 2085, 3197: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol - Frozen for SignalStain® Boost Detection Reagent (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol - Frozen for Boost Detection Reagent: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunohistochemistry Protocol - Paraffin for SignalStain® Boost Detection Reagent (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol – Paraffin for Boost Detection Reagent: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.Immunohistochemistry Protocol - Paraffin for Boost Detection Reagent: easy to follow directions describing

Immunohistochemistry Protocol - Specific For Product: 12692 (Protocols)

Immunohistochemistry Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure for product #12692.

Immunohistochemistry Technical Support

Cell Signaling Technology IHC technical support contact information and outline of requested information that our technical support specialists will need to assist you.

Immunohistochemistry Tips and Techniques

Learn how your Immunohistochemistry protocol affects your results.

Immunology/Inflammation (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed interactive pathways providing current overviews of NF-kB and Toll-like Receptor (TLR) signaling, as well as links to products from Cell Signaling Technology.

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Analysis By Kinase Assay) (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Analysis By Kinase Assay): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Analysis By Western Immunoblotting) (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Analysis By Western Immunoblotting) : easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Native Protein) (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation Protocol (For Native Protein): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunoprecipitation Protocol / (For Denatured Proteins) (IP / Denatured Protein) (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation of Denatured Proteins Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunoprecipitation Protocol Utilizing Magnetic Separation (For Analysis By Western Immunoblotting) (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation Protocol Utilizing Magnetic Separation (For Analysis By Western Blot): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Immunoprecipitation Troubleshooting Guide (Protocols)

Immunoprecipitation Troubleshooting Guide for easy to solve high and low background issues.

In-Cell Western Protocol (Protocols)

In-Cell Western Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

In-Cell Western™ (Application Overviews)

In-cell Western: a simple method for quantification of intracellular signaling in whole cells. Data and links for tech support.

Interactive Human Kinome (Kinome Diagram)

Searchable Human Kinome showing the AGC, Tyrosine Kinases, TKL, CAMK, STE, CMGC, CK1 and atypical kinase groups.

IQ Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the IQ protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to calmodulin.

Jak and Cytokine Receptor Mutants in Cancer Table (Table Resources)

Jak and cytokine receptor mutations found in various cancers, along with the corresponding PubMed reference(s).

Jak/Stat Utilization Table (Table Resources)

The Jak/Stat Utilization Table displays the combinatorial use of tyrosine kinases and Stat proteins in cytokine/growth factor signaling.

Key Signaling Networks in Cancer

Cancer signaling pathways and research resources, including activation state antibodies and proteomic tools to discover post-translational modifications

Kinase Signaling (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed interactive pathway providing a current overview of ErbB/HER Signaling, a pathway description, select PubMed references, and links to PhosphoSitePlus.

Kinase-Disease Associations (Table Resources)

Kinase-disease associations table showing kinases, kinase groups, disease types, and the molecular biology basis for disease.

KinomeView® Profiling (Proteomics Overviews)

Information on KinomeView western blotting service offered by Cell Signaling Technology that uses Phospho-Motif Antibodies to provide a kinome-wide view of cellular phosphorylation.

KinomeView® Protocol (Protocols)

KinomeView® Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

LC/MS Proteomics Resource Center (Proteomics Overviews)

Overview of PTMScan technology for proteomics from CST. Antibody enrichment of PTM peptides combined with mass spectrometry.

Learn & Support

Find educational resources related to science or get technical support help with a product.

Learning Lab LIVE! Q&A with IHC Expert Chris Grange

This webinar recording focuses on how to optimize two steps in the immunohistochemistry protocol. Antigen retrieval is required to reverse chemical crosslinks that can prevent antibodies from accessing their epitopes; the conditions of the primary antibo

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

The home office of CST is a LEED certified building.

LIM Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the LIM protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to mediate protein-protein interactions.

Loading Control Antibodies (Product Type Overviews)

Ensure equal sample loading with loading control antibodies from CST.

LRR Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the LRR protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to mediate protein-protein interactions.

m6A RNA Regulatory Diagram (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed diagram providing a current overview of the m6A RNA pathway with references to its role in tumor development

MAP Kinase Signaling Resources (Pathway Diagram)

Overview of MAP Kinase signaling pathways, antibodies and related reagents, interactive pathway diagrams, and other technical resources.

Mastering Phospho-Flow: Immune Cell Activation

To characterize activation of immune cells, measurement of intracellular signaling using phospho-specific antibodies combined with immune phenotyping using surface markers is ideal.

MBT Protein Repeat (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the MBT protein domain containing information on structure, function, and binding to methyl-lysine motifs during chromatin regulation.

Mechanisms of Fibrosis (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed diagram providing a current overview of the Mechanisms of Fibrosis pathway with references to its role in adhesion

Membrane-Enriched Total Proteome Service

Identify and quantify membrane proteins in a total proteome study for a more complete view of proteins on the cell surface.

Metabolic Changes in Cancer: The Warburg Effect

CST sponsored Science Webinar Series: Metabolic Changes in Cancer: April 19, 2012. Hear the webinar (3 speakers), download slides and transcripts.

MH2 Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the MH2 protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to phospho-serine motifs during TGF-beta signaling.

MIU Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the MIU protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to ubiquitin during vesicle trafficking.

Motif Antibodies for PTMScan® Discovery Services (Proteomics Overviews)

A listing of PTMScan Motif Antibodies and Kits, along with case study data for each, for customers who purchase a license and would like to perform PTMScan Proteomics in-house.

Mouse Immune Cell Marker Guide (Pathway Diagram)

This interactive guide shows the most important cell and functional state markers for tumor-infiltrating immune cells in mice.

Multiplex IHC

Fluorescent multiplex IHC (mIHC) with tyramide signal amplification enables simultaneous detection of multiple proteins in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections in a sequential fashion.

Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® Protocol (Dual Index Primers) (ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN) (Protocols)

Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® Protocol (Dual Index Primers) (ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® Protocol (Single Index Primers) (ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN) (Protocols)

Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® Protocol (Single Index Primers) (ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.a

Neural and Glial Cell Markers

There are a number of markers that can be used to distinguish the many cell types of the central and peripheral nervous system during development, adult neurogenesis, and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders.

Neuroinflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neuroinflammation is the activation of an immune response in the CNS by the microglia and astrocytes. While not linked mechanistically to neurodegenerative diseases, neuroinflammation is associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's

Neuronal and Glial Cell Markers (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed interactive diagrams providing current overviews of neuronal and glial cell markers, as well as links to products from CST.

Neuroscience (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed interactive neuroscience pathways providing current overviews of Parkinsons and Alzheimers Disease signaling, as well as links to products from CST.

Neurotransmitters, Receptors, and Transporters

Modulation of CNS function occurs through synaptic neurotransmission, which is the signaling from the axon terminal of one neuron to the dendrites of another via molecules called neurotransmitters.

Nuclear Permeabilization Staining (Protocols)

Nuclear Permeabilization Staining: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Nuclear Receptors (Pathway Diagram)

Expert-reviewed interactive pathway providing a current overview of Nuclear Receptor Signaling, a pathway description, select PubMed references, and links to PhosphoSitePlus.

NZF Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the NZF protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to ubiquitin.

Optimizing the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) Test

Optimization is critical to obtaining reliable ELISA results. The design and development of an ELISA assay depends on the various components, including capture antibody, blocking buffer, diluent, sample concentration, and detection antibody

Organelle Markers (Application Overviews)

Organelle markers for immunofluorescence analysis from CST Cell Signaling Technology

Other Protein Kinases Group (Kinome Diagram)

Kinome diagram showing "other" group kinases.

Our Approach/Process

Learn more about our approach to science and process for creating the best antibodies in the industry

Overview of Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) (Application Overviews)

Chromatin immunoprecipitation, or ChIP, is a technique that uses antibodies to isolate specific DNA-binding proteins along with the bound DNA fragments from cells and tissues.

Overview of Chromatin IP Assay Methodology (Application Overviews)

The chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay is a powerful and versatile technique to probe protein-DNA interactions within the natural chromatin context of the cell.

Overview of Immunostaining

Immunofluorescence (IF) techniques combine antibodies and fluorescence imaging to visualize biomolecules within fixed cell or tissue samples. This page answers common protocol questions to help your IF experiment be successful.

Overview of Metabolism and Metabolic Disorders

Metabolism defines all of the chemical changes or processes within cells, tissues, and organisms that sustain cellular homeostasis.

Papers & Posters

Listing of IHC-related scientific posters and papers involving scientists from Cell Signaling Technology.

Parkinson’s Disease Resource Center

Parkinson’s Disease Resource Center

PAS Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the PAS protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding.

PathScan® ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) Kits (Product Type Overviews)

PathScan ELISA kits detect endogenous levels of key signaling proteins using a traditional sandwich-based assay format in phospho-specific or total protein options.

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair Protocol (Protocols)

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Antibody Pair Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (Chemiluminescent ELISA - for kits with Lyophilized Antibodies) (Protocols)

Protocol for PathScan® Chemiluminescent Sandwich ELISA (for kits with Lyophilized Antibodies)

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (Chemiluminescent) (Protocols)

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (Chemiluminescent): easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (Colormetric ELISA - for kits with Lyophilized Antibodies) (Protocols)

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (for kits with Lyophilized Antibodies) from Cell Signaling Technology with recommended companion products.

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol (Colormetric ELISA) (Protocols)

PathScan® Sandwich ELISA Protocol Colormetric: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Pathways and Diagrams

Pathways are grouped by research area and by disease area

Pathways and Diagrams by Disease Area

Find Pathways and Diagrams By Disease Area

Pathways and Diagrams by Research Area (Pathway Diagram)

Resources include signaling pathways, antibodies and companion products, research overviews, technical resources, and recent review articles.

PB1 Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the PB1 protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding in cytoskeletal signaling proteins.

PD-L1 (Product Type Overviews)

PD-L1/PD1 immune checkpoint helps tumor cells evade detection by the immune system. Highly specific and sensitive PD-L1 antibody now available from CST.

PDZ Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the PDZ protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding.

PH Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the PH domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to phospholipids during protein trafficking and cell signaling.

Phospho-dependent Protein Interaction Domains in Signal Transduction (Protein Domains)

Expert scientist-authored white paper focused on phosphorylation-dependent protein interaction domains in signal transduction.

PhosphoSitePlus® PTM Database

Online systems biology resource for study of post-translational modifications: phosphorylation, ubiquitination, acetylation and methylation.

PI3K / Akt Binding Partners Table (Table Resources)

The Akt Binding Partners Table provides a list of proteins that bind to Akt along with their effects, activities, and corresponding PubMed reference(s).

PI3K / Akt Substrates Table (Table Resources)

The PI3K / Akt Substrates Table provides a comprehensive list of demonstrated downstream targets of Akt phosphorylation.

PI3K/AKT/MAPK Signaling (Pathway Diagram)

Overview of PI3K/Akt signaling pathways, antibodies and related reagents, interactive pathway diagrams, and other technical resources.

POLO-Box Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the POLO-Box protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding to phospho-Ser/Thr motifs.

Post-translational Modifications and Data-Independent Acquisitions - Challenges and Opportunities

This webinar will focus on the use of simultaneous affinity enrichment workflows by combining different PTM antibodies for ‘one-pot enrichment’ approaches

Poster Presentations

Scientific posters presented by CST scientists at various conferences and trade shows through the years.

Pre-Clinical IHC Tools for Mouse Models

Pre-Clinical IHC Tools for Mouse Models

Principle of ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) Test

The ELISA method has many variations, all of which rely on complex of an antigen and an antibody/enzyme conjugate. Signal is generated by turnover of substrate.



Privacy Policy

The privacy policy currently in place from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.

Privacy Statement For California Residents

The privacy policy currently in place for California residents from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.

Product Citations for CST's Akt Antibodies

Publications featuring Akt antibodies from Cell Signaling Technology.

Product Citations for CST's Erk Antibodies

Publications featuring Erk antibodies from Cell Signaling Technology.

Product Development Request

If you have a suggestion for a new product, please fill out the form below. Our product team may contact you for more information about your needs.

Product Shelf-Life (Product Shelflife Table)

A table that lists shelf-life expectations for CST products (when stored under the recommended conditions).

Product Sizing: Our User-Oriented Approach (Process Explanations)

CST product packaging is based on feedback from customers as to the number of assays they typically run.

Promotions & Coupons for Cell Signaling Technology

See the latest promotions, offers and specials for Cell Signaling Technology

Protein and Pathway Abbreviations (Table Resources)

Alphabetical listing of protein, pathway, and antibody acronyms, curated by Cell Signaling Technology.

Protein Domains & Interactions (Protein Domains)

A categorical list of protein domain resources by Cell Signaling Technology. Each resource contains specific domain structure, function, and binding information.

Protein Folding (Pathway Diagram)

A list of antibodies directed against chaperones and other proteins involved in Protein Folding offered by Cell Signaling Technology.

Protein Kinases (Kinome Diagram)

An introduction to human protein kinases: protein kinases are key regulators of cell function.

Proteomics Analytical Services (Proteomics Overviews)

CST® Proteomics Analytical Services help you identify and validate drug targets, discover biomarkers, determine on/off-target effects, and mechanisms of action.

Proteomics in Cancer Research

PTMScan Technology enables biomarker discovery and signaling regulation by combining enrichment of post-translational modifications with mass spectrometry.

Proteomics Meets Cellular Signaling: Exploring PTMs by Mass Spectrometry

CST sponsored Science Webinar Series: Exploring Cell Signaling through Mass Spec: May 1, 2013. Hear the webinar (3 speakers), download slides and transcripts.

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