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BROMO Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the BROMO protein domain containing information on structure, function, and binding to aceylated-lysine residues during chromatin remodeling.

BTB/POZ Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the BTB/POZ protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding during chromatin remodeling.

C1 Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the C1 protein domain containing information on structure, function, and binding to phospholipids.

C2 Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the C2 protein domain containing information on structure, function, and binding to phospholipids.

CALM Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the CALM protein domain, also known as ANTH domain, containing information on structure, function, and binding to phospholipids.

CAMK Protein Kinases (Kinome Diagram)

A kinome diagram showing the CAMK group of protein kinases.

Cancer Publications from CST

List of publications based on primary research done by the Cancer Research Group at CST (2002-2013).

CAR Signaling Networks Interactive Pathway (Pathway Diagram)

Interact with this CAR-T signaling pathway to learn how the combination of extracellular and intracellular domains, including CD8, CD28, 4-1BB, OX40, or CD27, exert antitumor effects.

CARD Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the CARD protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding during apoptosis.

Carrier-free Antibodies for Mass Cytometry

CST offers flow validated antibodies for single cell mass cytometry (MC) and IHC validated antibodies for imaging mass cytometry (IMC)

Caspase-3 Activity Protocol (Protocols)

Caspase-3 Activity Protocol: easy to follow directions describing the step by step experimental procedure.

Caspase-3 Antibody Comparison Table

Compare Cell Signaling Technology's Cleaved Caspase antibodies against one another to determine optimal applications.

Caspase-3 Signaling (Product Type Overviews)

Cleaved caspase-3 product listings, product citation lists,product selection tools, comparison tables and educational resources for apoptosis signaling from Cell Signaling Technology.

CC Protein Domain (Protein Domains)

A scientific resource for the coiled coil (CC) protein domain containing information on structure, function, and domain binding.

CD Markers (Pathway Diagram)

A list of important CD markers that includes links to PhosphoSitePlus, Uniprot, and products from Cell Signaling Technology.

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