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Immunohistochemistry Leica® BOND™ Protocol

IMPORTANT: Please refer to the APPLICATIONS section on the front page of the product datasheet or product webpage to determine whether a product is validated and approved for use on the Leica® BOND™. If so, refer to the product-specific protocol for instructions. For products without a validated Leica® BOND™ protocol, the conditions listed below can serve as a starting point.

  Step Reagents Time/Temperature
1 Dewax BOND™ Dewax Solution, 100% Alcohol, BOND™ Wash Solution Pre-programmed Leica® BOND™
2 Antigen Retrieval BOND™ Epitope Retrieval ER2 Solution 20 min., 100˚C | Protocol: HIER 20 min with ER2
3 Peroxide Block Refine Detection Kit Peroxide Block* 5 min.
  WASH BOND™ Wash Solution 3x 0:00 min.
4 Protein Block (optional) #5425 NGS or #15019 Animal-Free Blocking Solution 20 min.
5 Primary Antibody Dilute in #8112 SignalStain® Antibody Diluent 30 min.
  WASH BOND™ Wash Solution 3x 2:00 min.
NA Post Primary Mouse Linker Refine Detection Kit Post Primary* Not applied for rabbit antibodies, 10 min. for mouse antibodies
6 Secondary Detection Refine Detection Kit Polymer* 10 min.
  WASH BOND™ Wash Solution/Deionized Water Custom (see below)
7a Visualization Refine Detection Kit Mixed DAB Refine* 0:00 min.
7b Visualization Refine Detection Kit Mixed DAB Refine* 10 min.
  WASH Deionized Water 3x 0:00 min.
8 Counterstain Refine Detection Kit Hematoxylin* 5 min.
  WASH Deionized Water 0:00 min.
  WASH BOND™ Wash Solution 0:00 min.
  WASH Deionized Water 0:00 min.
9 Dehydration (Offline):    
  Incubate sections in 95% ethanol two times for 10 seconds each.  
  Repeat in 100% ethanol, incubating sections two times for 10 seconds each.  
  Repeat in xylene, incubating sections two times for 10 seconds each.  
10 Mount sections with coverslips and #14177 SignalStain® Mounting Medium  
  Optional Custom wash: BOND™ Wash Solution 2:00
    BOND™ Wash Solution Dispenser Type: OPEN 0:00
    BOND™ Wash Solution 2:00
    BOND™ Wash Solution Dispenser Type: OPEN 0:00
    BOND™ Wash Solution 0:00
    Deionized Water 0:00

*Reagent included in BOND™ Polymer Refine Detection Kit (Catalog No: DS9800)

LEICA® is a registered trademark of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH.

BOND™ is a trademark of Leica Biosystems Melbourne Pty. Ltd. No affiliation or sponsorship between CST and Leica Microsystems IR GmbH or Leica Biosystems Melbourne Pty. Ltd is implied.

posted July 2019

Contact us with any questions.